Why do we have to die

Why do all people sin and die? Why we die is a question for which both offer an answer. Science answers in relation to the mechanics of life, which are based on the inferences we can make from material experience.

The question of why we die is an excellent one. The reason we die is because of the effect of sin in the world.

When God made Adam and Eve, there was no death. If they had not sinne they would have continued to live on and on. They would never have died. But because of their rebellion against Go there is a spiritual consequence with the result of the physical manifestation we call death.

We have to die because of sin. The effects of sin has gradually been degrading man until man can only live up to about years. Before there was sin there was no death.

However, one day there will be no more death! And when Jesus comes. To make way for new people. That would be so boring. Plus can you imagine the crime rate would go so high. If people knew they are not going to die. Because our cells die. Latest cognition is that dna in our cells have something that can be compaired as top of the shoe lace (alget), and that "alget" collapse through time whitch leads to dna to collapse and latter the cell.

Academic, scientific, and religious scholars have researched and debated the question of why do humans have to die for hundreds of years. It’s one of our greatest gifts and mysteries alike. We ’ve all heard of life referred to as both a gift and a curse.

After they’ve done their job, billions of cells in your body die each day and make way for new cells. We die naturally because our cells die. Inside a cell, telomeres at the.

It’s natural to wonder why people die, especially when we lose someone close to us. The Bible says: “The sting producing death is sin.

The first humans, Adam and Eve, lost their lives because they sinned against God. Why, as humans then, do we seek camaraderie, identify with people, feel love, wander the worl breathe the air and reap so much satisfaction from being with others and among the world? If Adam and Eve had obeyed Go they would still be alive today. But when they disobeyed him, they sinne and eventually they died.

Sin is like a terrible disease that we have inherited from our first parents. All of us are born as sinners, and that is why we die. Romans 5:12) But that is not God’s purpose for humans. Check out Why Do We Have to Die by Vartanian on Amazon Music.

Approximate answers include cancer, heart disease, arthrosclerosis. The ultimate answer though is found in two principles of nature. By Tim Radford Tim Radford. We don’t die, we are eternal conscious beings.

This world is a creation. It is only illusory, maya. Yes, we all have to die eventually, but we want to be happy, well, independent and pain-free leading up to our deaths. A significant proportion of octogenarians are also.

I know this is a deep question, but why do we have to die. Ok so i was wondering what point is there in dying so i know ppl say "it is the circle of life" and suhc but why would ppl want to die ? U cant say there is much point in dying now i mean u might say uk " we die cause otherwise there.

In real life, dying is unavoidable and final.


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