Affordability calculator
This tool will help you estimate how much you can afford to borrow to buy a home. We’ll work it out by looking at your income and your outgoings. It should take about five minutes to.
Try our new trial calculator. Main content of page below.
Get a good idea of how much we could lend you in just a few minutes. Our affordability calculator will help you to get an idea of what mortage payments you could afford after all your existing outgoings are taken into account. Only complete the items that apply.
We’re temporarily limiting all new purchase and remortgage applications to 85% LTV. Affordability calculator Find out how much your client could borrow. When applying for a remortgage on a like for like basis, the calculator will return the affordable amount, subject to a maximum of the amount transferred from the existing lender plus £000. For a thorough calculation of how much your client may be able to borrow, fill in the full affordability calculator below.
What is a monthly payment?
The calculator is designed to give you an accurate projection of the amount we may be able to lend to your customer. How much can I borrow?
We calculate this based on a simple income multiple, but, in reality, it’s much more complex. When you apply for a mortgage, lenders calculate how much they’ll lend based on both your income and your outgoings – so the more you’re committed to spend each month, the less you can borrow.
Calculators Use our affordability calculators to see how much your client can borrow. Our calculators give you a rough idea of what you might be able to borrow from us to buy a home, and what your monthly and total mortgage payments could be for various types of mortgage. Letting agents and landlords need to know that you can afford your rent.
Either: Enter in your total Gross annual income below and click Calc Rent and we will tell you how much rent you can afford. We recommend this is always completed before moving to a Decision in Principle (DIP).
Residential Calculator Buy to Let Calculator Visit the Calculators section on the Aldermore Intermediaries website to access our standalone Residential calculator. The affordability service is currently unavailable. About the applicants.
Application details. To obtain an accurate borrowing figure tailored to your clients personal circumstances use our online affordability calculator before submitting a Decision in Principle. Please try again later.
Dependants, remuneration, other essentials outgoings, etc. Loan amount, term, etc.
It is your responsibility to make sure you can afford additional household costs such as running a car, grocery shopping and paying utility bills etc. Mortgage affordability calculator.
The actual loan amount available is subject to our usual underwriting requirements and a successful credit search. Page description (Max 1characters) Leeds Building Society. Use our mortgage affordability calculator to understand how much your client may be able to borrow for residential or buy to let cases. The process should take around 5-minutes to complete.
We’ll ask about your customer, their income, their expenditure and any other property details. This calculator should not be used for additional lending, portability or transfers of equity. Below is a handy list of our lender affordability calculators.
Should you receive a PASS on the calculator where the multiplier exceeds 4. Make use of our affordability calculator above to find out what your estimated home loan amount will be. We have set the default interest rate to the current prime lending rate. Based on your credit profile, South African banks may choose to give you an interest rate either higher or lower than the prime lending rate.
A small change in your interest rate can have a significant impact on your. The calculator and associated policy have been developed to support long term sustainability of equity loan investments.
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